T48 Plus USB High Performance


XGecu T48 Plus USB High Performance


مبرمجة شحن فلاشات ببوس t48

مبرمجه الشحن T48 Plus USB

ب ٢٩٩٩ جنيه 

XGecu T48 Plus USB High Performance


2900 جنيه 

Well-designed cheap professional programmer, Production of high-density SMD technology, a unified user interface, easy to use, fully functional, reliable program running of application software, ultra-small code -runs faster, supports bilingual(English and Chinese), it can automatically identify the operating system to install and run under WIN 2000/WIN XP/WIN 2003/WIN 2008/WIN VISTA /WIN7/WIN8/WIN10 (32BIit/64Bit).

للاستعلام شركة ايجي شيب 



LV-05 BGA rework station BGA

BGA Rework Station LV-05 High precision

bga rework station

فك وتركيب المعالج وشرائح اللابتوب والبلايستيشن والشاشات، وتعمل مع جميع شرائح ال bga الشيب.

من شركة ايجي شيب



Total Power 4800W
Upper Heating Power 800W
Lower Heating Power 1200W
Infrared Heating Power 2400W(1200W is controlled)
Power supply (Single Phase) AC 220V±10  50Hz
Location way V-shape card slot + Universal jigs+laser position
Temperature Controlling K-type thermocouple closed loop control, independent temperature control, precision up to ±3 degree
Electrical  Material Touch screen + Temperature control module + PLC control
Max PCB size 330×310mm
Min PCB size 10×10mm
Sensor 1 unit
PCB Thickness 0.3-5mm
Suitable Chip Size 1*1mm-50*50mm
Size 500×530×580mm
Weight Net 30kg



rt809f programmer

عرض مبرمجة RT809F🔥

العنوان: ٣٠ شارع سليم اخر فيصل
متوفر شحن لجميع المحافظات

ضمان اسبوع من تاريخ الاستلام

RT809Frt809f programmer

تدعم شاشات LCD، واللوحة الأم الأصلية لأجهزة التلفاز التي تقرأ البرامج الثابتة للقارئ عبر الإنترنت أو دون اتصال بالإنترنت، ويدعم TPV، Proview، Samsung، LG، ACER، LENOVO، HP، IBM، BENQ، HKC، Hisense، Skyworth، Konka، Changhong، TCL، Haier، Hisense، وغيرها من العلاماتProview، Samsung، LG، ACER، LENOVO، HP، IBM، BENQ، HKC، Hisense، Skyworth، Konka، Changhong، TCL، Haier، Hisense، وغيرها من العلامات التجارية الكبرى، تدعم NOVATEK، MTK، MST، GENESIS، TSUM، SE، FT، REALTEK، WINBOND، WELTEND، MYSON،، China and Asia micro، PIXELWORKS حلول شرائح أخرى، يمكنك استخدام البرنامج الرسمي أو برنامج مستقل مزود خدمة الإنترنت، مع مراعاة السلامة الوظيفية وسهولة الاستخدام للمستخدم؛12. يدعم نماذج Samsung وPhilips وAOC وBENQ وNESO التي تستخدم طرازات NT68F63/NT68F632/NT68F633 من سلسلة MCU وWT61P4، ويمكن تفكيك برنامج محو الأمية مجانًا، وهي مشكلة شائعة مع فشل برنامج رمي LCD من سامسونج، وسيتم إصلاح التفكيك المجاني للفرشاة! !! على وجه الخصوص، يمكن أن تكون زيادة وظائف MCU لقراءة المصدر عبر الإنترنت داخل MCU مصدرًا جيدًا للقراءة والحفظ، وبرنامج التطوير المستقل للنسخة الصينية، والواجهة بسيطة وسهلة التشغيل؛ دعم أحدث قارئ الرقائق الرئيسي لسلسلة SE1059، من السهل حل المشكلة الشائعة باللون الأسود من سلسلة Samsung SA؛ 12. يدعم نماذج Samsung وPhilips وAOC وBENQ وNESO التي تستخدم طرازات NT68F63/NT68F632/NT68F633 من سلسلة MCU وWT61P4، ويمكن تفكيك برنامج محو الأمية مجانًا، وهي مشكلة شائعة مع فشل برنامج رمي LCD من سامسونج، وسيتم إصلاح التفكيك المجاني للفرشاة! !! على وجه الخصوص، يمكن أن تكون زيادة وظائف MCU لقراءة المصدر عبر الإنترنت داخل MCU مصدرًا جيدًا للقراءة والحفظ، وبرنامج التطوير المستقل للنسخة الصينية، والواجهة بسيطة وسهلة التشغيل؛ دعم أحدث قارئ الرقائق الرئيسي لسلسلة SE1059، من السهل حل المشكلة الشائعة باللون الأسود من سلسلة Samsung SA؛13. supports WINBOND series MCU online writers, such as W78E65P-40, which can be substituted AOC, Viewsonic, Proview original driver board M6759, SM5964, SM89516, P89C51RD, TP2804,and other vulnerable types of MCU;14. support MTK series of LCD and DVD burning programs online, such as MT1389 MT1379 MT8223 8226, etc.;15. دعم برمجة SUNPLUS Sunplus Series DVD عبر الإنترنت. على سبيل المثال 8202D 8202S 8202L 8281 8200، وما إلى ذلك؛ For example 8202D 8202S 8202L 8281

عرض مبرمجة RT809F🔥
بكميات محدوده للحجز والاستعلام
العنوان: ٣٠ شارع سليم اخر فيصل
متوفر شحن لجميع المحافظات

سعر مبرمجة الشحن rt809f

بيع مبرمجة الشحن rt809f

مكان بيع مبرمجة الفلاشات rt809f

مبرمجة شحن الفلاشات RT809H مع اهم 10 بسعر 7500 جنيه سوكت لصيانة الشاشات وصيانة أجهزة اللابتوب وصيانة أجهزة DVR والكاميرات، بالإضافة إلى شحن معظم فلاشات الأجهزة الإلكترونية.


تحتوي على جميع السوكتات الضرورية، حيث تشمل أهم 10 سوكتات التي تدعم معظم مجالات الصيانة.

7500 جنيه


RT809H Universal Programmer

ب 7500 جنيه مع السوكت
مبرمج عالمي جديد موديل RT809H
تم تصميم برنامج RT809H ليكون متوافقًا مع مجموعة واسعة من تقنيات البرمجة، بما في ذلك NOR/NAND/EMMC/EC/MCU. يدعم أيضًا تقنيات BGA48/BGA63/BGA64/BGA169 وTSOP56/TSOP48، مما يوفر حلًا شاملًا لاحتياجات البرمجة. “”الجودة والموثوقية”:”تم تصنيع برنامج RT809H في مقاطعة الصين، مما يضمن الجودة والموثوقية. يوفر سعرًا مناسبًا للشراء مباشرة من المصنع مع مخزون كثيف وشحن سريع، مما يجعله خيارًا مثاليًا للهواة والمحترفين على حد سواء

RT809H support list: LCD TV, EMMC NAND FLASH POS, car navigation, car audio, mobile phone full font library T8 series / KB90 series / MEC16 series / NPCE series notebook EC read and write, unlimited capacity. TSOP48 TSOP56 pin TOP8-16 feet LCD TV, LCD Notebook Motherboard BIOS Notebook EC LCD Tablet Read/Write, Home Appliance DVD Memory SPD DDC/EDID Read & Write, Logic Board Read & Write, Serial Print Information, HiFi Player Read & Write, Network Set-top Box

تتوافق مع Windows : يعمل RT809H مع أنظمة التشغيل Windows XP وWindows 10، مما يسهل عملية التثبيت.

تتوافق مع EMMC:يوفر RT809H إمكانية قراءة وكتابة EMMC بسرعة وسهولة.

تتوافق مع BGA:يوفر RT809H ميزة التعرف التلقائي على BGA48/BGA63/BGA64/BGA169 لسهولة الاستخدام.

تتوافق مع USB2.0:يوفر RT809H الاتصال السريع عبر USB2.0 مع الكمبيوتر دون الحاجة إلى مصدر طاقة خارجي.

تتوافق العالمي مع IC:يدعم RT809H مجموعة واسعة من أجهزة التخزين مثل NOR/NAND/EMMC/EC/MCU/ISP.

شركة ايجي شيب


عرض علي مبرمجة EZP2010

الان يوجد عرض علي مبرمجة EZP2010⚡المبرمجة مع سوكتين (8BIN 200ML/8BIN 150ML(متوفر شحن لجميع المحافظات—–العنوان》٣٠ شارع سليم اخر فيصل———–‐————————————-مواعيد العمل》 من 12 ضهرا الي 8 مساء———–‐—————————————-للتواصل》01220123621 01226622187 01067768177

ميكروسكوب microscope

ميكروسكوب microscope متوفر مع الشاشة led HD

غير متاح حالياً

الاتصال فى مواعيد العمل من 1 ظهرا حتى 9 مساء فقط


01067768177 – 01226622187 –01220123621″ –

الاتصال فى مواعيد العمل من 1 ظهرا حتى 9 مساء فقط


WDS-620+ BGA rework station WDS 620 irda IR bga equipment

for iPhone Samsung huawei phone laptop desktop ps3 repairing chip

توضيح باللغه العربيه
+620-wdsهذا الموديل من اقوى اجهزه الشيب اتومتيك كامل يعمل بي وضع مونت هذا الوضع يقوم برفع الشيب والتركيب بدون تدخل منك كما انه مزود بكميرا يصل الاكس بتاها الي 200 درجه كما ومزوده بشاشه عاليه الجوده للدقه في عمليه المعيره وسعرها متغير حسب سعر اليومي للدورلار

WDS-620+ BGA rework station WDS 620 irda IR bga equipment for iPhone Samsung huawei phone laptop desktop ps3 repairing chip

WDS-620 BGA rework station WDS 620 irda IR bga equipmen

for iPhone Samsung huawei phone laptop desktop ps3 repairing chip

MRT Ultra

هذا الكارت يقوم باصلاح الهاردديسك واسترجاع البيانات من اقوي الاداء التي تعمل في اصلاح واسترجاع البيانات من الهارد التالف وهذه البطاقه 4 مخرج لها القدره علي اصلاح 4 هاردديسك معا نفس الوقت وهو متميز بالسرعه الجباره اثناء العمل

MRT Lab held Ultra series new product release meeting on Nov. 21th. MRT Ultra series SATA 3.0 5-interface card is officially released.


MRT Ultra is a new design of MRT Lab launched in 2015 with brand new framework. It is the world’s first PCIE2.0 interface data recovery tool. MRT Ultra is dedicated for high quality, high speed and perfect user experience, which can be classified as high-end configuration among MRT tools. Recently MRT Ultra is released to market, software running platform supports 32-bit and 64-bit Windows operating system. Featured by more ports, more advanced technology, less resource occupancy rate of CPU and hardware design of SATA3.0, there are two main power input, 4 power supply output interfaces, 4 SATA3.0 interfaces and 1 IDE interface. At the same time, there is great enhancement in performance of MRT Ultra. Test firmware transmission speed is raised from 2MByte/s to 33MByte/s. Test DE imaging speed raised to 460MByte/s. Theoretical transmission speed is as high as 600MByte/s. This tool is a good choice for user with mass business volume, professional data recovery company and disk repair institution. There are online full version, offline full version, online repair version and offline repair version software. 

Highlighted Features

  • PCI-Express 2.0 Interface with four native SATA 3.0 ports and one IDE port
  • Support of all IDE (CE, CF, ZIF), SATA (MICRO SATA) interface HDDs
  • Support 1.8 inch, 2.5 inch, and 3.5 HDDs with a capacity of up to 5TB
  • One-click automatic HDD diagnostic repair module
  • Efficient USB terminal that can work with Seagate F3 serial HDDs
  • Support Flash ROM programming unit
  • Support the recovery of corrupted firmware in HDDs
  • Support the ability to unlock and reset hard drive password (i.e. decrypt the hard drive)
  • Support data recovery and HDDs repair due to failed read/write heads
  • Support virtual head map technology
  • Support the repair of HDDs with physically-damaged sectors
  • Support disk imaging, imaging by selective head, file recovery
  • Support Head map editing in RAM for data recovery
  • Review defect tables (P-list, G-list, T-list, etc.)
  • Load service information access program – LDR
  • Hide found defects of magnetic surface
  • Provide direct read and write to Seagate SA track
  • Forward and reverse scan and directly recover data from bad sectors
  • Provide MFT Scan to recover accidentally deleted files

Data Transfer Rates

  • Compliant with SATA 3.0 standard with speed up to 600MB/s for SATA ports
  • Compliant with the UDMA133 standard with speed up to 133MB/s for IDE port

Supported Operating System

Windows XP 32-bit/64-bit, Windows 2003 32-bit/64-bit, Windows Vista 32-bit/64-bit, Windows 7 32-bit/64-bit

Software Upgrades

MRT Lab regularly updates its software to fix possible bugs, add functionality, reflect changes in standards and respond to new HDD firmware issues. We are committed to provide first-class user experience with our data recovery tools.

200 جنيه SOP8 200mil

SOP8 to DIP8 Wide-body Seat Wide 200mil Programmer Adapter Socket Blue

شرح لانواع الادبتورات في هذا الفديو

WDS-580 BGA Rework Station

WDS-580 BGA Rework Station

WISDOMSHOW WDS-580 BGA Rework Station 4,7kW LCD 7 “ is a professional and modern solution for disassembly and assembly of BGA, uBGA, CBGA, CCGA, CSP, QFN, MLF, PGA systems for consumer electronics, The device was designed for repairing computer motherboards, graphics cards, notebooks, consoles, mobile phones, modules and car drivers made in lead-acid and lead-free soldering technology, especially recommended for working with large PCBs. and an efficient cooling system ensures efficient operation and reduces the time of high temperature impact on the board to a minimum.

Distinguishing features of the
– a large total heating power of 4700W,
– large area provided for the 405x360mm PCB,
– large area of the lower 380x300mm IR heater,
– 3 heating zones, top IR + 2 x HOTAIR,
– possibility of switching off the left and right sections of the lower IR heater,
– up / down adjustment of the hotair heater,
– 7 “touch control panel with microprocessor control,
– reinforced upper handle of the hotair heater,
– transverse fan automatically cooling the PCB after the soldering process,
– magnetic quick-change hotair nozzles,
– two adjustable transverse brackets for PCBs,
– 10 support points for PCBs,
– external USB port for programming the station controller.

The station allows you to program 20000 heating profiles, keep track of them as well as change of already set parameters at any time (also during heating). In order to better ensure the end result, each profile can be programmed in 8 temperature blocks. After completing the heating process, you can analyze the full waveform on the display.

All parameters, such as: set temperature, heating time, temperature rise in time, cooling time, operating time of the vacuum gripper can be set independently using the MCGS LCD Human-Machine Interaction (HMI) HD control panel with a diagonal of 7. The display shows all parameters station work in real time, including graphical visualization of the heating process status as well as setpoints and temperatures achieved on the charts.

On the screen, the following temperatures are given in numerical form as well as in the chart: 

– temperature of the upper HR heater
– temperature of the lower heating element of the HR
– temperature of the lower IR heater
– real temperature at the BGA system.

The station’s software is equipped with KEEP profile hold button. After pressing it, the station maintains all temperatures reached by it at a given moment until the KEEP button is pressed again.

The station also has an emergency STOP button which will stop the heating process at the user’s request.

In order to ensure the best soldering effect in the station, there are 3 independent zones / heating surfaces (top, bottom and PCB heater) whose temperature can be controlled and controlled separately. The first (top) and second (bottom) is a blast of hot air. The third lower zone is a quartz heating element (dark infrared). The first and second heating surfaces can be controlled via multiple groups and sections of temperature parameters. The upper heating element can be adjusted in any plane. The bottom hotair has vertical adjustment, which is of key importance, for example with large console systems. The third surface (heater) heats the plate on a large surface, reducing stresses and lowering the temperature needed for the soldering of the element.

In addition, the heating sections of the lower IR heater can be switched off by blocking two switches eg in the situation of heating / heating a smaller PCB.

In order to determine the precise temperatures in the station, precise K-type thermocouples with accuracy +/- 3C working in a closed loop were used.

After each desoldering / soldering process an alarm is generated.

In the event of too high uncontrolled temperatures or the possibility of overheating components built-in protection system against excessively high temperature will stop the whole process and turn off the electrical circuit.

On the left side of the station there is a very efficient transverse fan automatically cooling the PCB after desoldering and soldering. This prevents deformation of the PCB and protects the BGA reballing effect.

The main PCB holder has been equipped with a V-groove, which ensures quick and stable plate assembly and a large adjustment range.

To direct the hot air and protect neighboring elements in the station in the upper and lower part, magnetic nozzles were designed. Nozzles are mounted very simply with one hand. They can be set and rotated at any angle.

In addition, the bottom nozzle has special openings to extract excess hot air.

The station is also equipped with an electronic vacuum gripper controlled also from the level of the LCD touch screen. It also has an emergency switch.

The station has a certificate and CE marking.

– Condition: new
– Total power: 4800W
– The power of the upper hotair heating element: 800W
– Power of the hotair heating element: 1200W
– Total power of the lower quartz heater: 2700W (4x600W + 2x150W)
– Power supply voltage: AC 220V / 230V 50 / 60Hz (power cable 3×2,5mm2)
– Temperature sensor: K-type sensor (thermocouple) with accuracy +/- 3C
– Positioning (PCB holder): V-groove
– Min. PCB size: 5x5mm
– Max. PCB / PBA size: 405x360mm
– Size of lower IR heater: 380x300mm
– Station dimensions: 610 (W) x 600 (H) x 580mm (depth)
– Control: color touch screen 7 “HD HMI + PLC
– Overcurrent protection: fuse with C32 characteristic.
– Net weight: 30kg
– Written warranty: 24 months (also for heating elements)

– WISDOMSHOW WDS-580 soldering station.
– Built-in vacuum gripper + additional needles and spare silicone tips.
– K-type thermocouple
– Polish instruction manual.
– Three nozzles for the upper hot air heater (28×28, 38×38, 41×41).
– Main nozzle of the lower hot air heater (50x50mm).
– Six handles for non-standard PCBs + 6 mounting screws.
– Additional 2 lateral holders for supporting larger PCBs.
– Screw for vertical blocking of the upper heater.If you are interested in WISDOMSHOW WDS-580 BGA Rework Station 4,7kW LCD 7 ” you will probably want to take a look at following products:


Semi automatic bga rework station WDS-620 with auto optical mounting system bga machine

Semi automatic bga rework station WDS-600 with auto optical mounting system bga machine

Many BGA rework station models are provided here!

Please contact us,

So we can help you select the right machine to meet your needs and fit your budget !

Business field

  •  Laptop and mother boards rework and repair.
  • Game consoles applications rework and repair.
  •  Small and medium size electronics assembly factories.
  • Military sophisticated applications rework and repair.
  • Medical equipment applications rework and repair.
  • Automotive applications rework and repair.
  • Light systems and LED applications.
  • Home appliance and personal Gadgets applications rework and repair.
  • Networking and communication applications rework, repair and assembly.
  • Power supply and control PCB applications rework, repair and assembly Technology parameter of WDS-600 Semi automatic bga rework station1Power supplyAC 110V/220V±10% 50/60Hz2Total powerMax 5300W Semi automatic bga rework station3Heater powerUpper temp.zone 1200W,second temp.zone 1200W,IR temp.zone 2700W4Electrical materialDriving motor+ smart temp.controller+color touch screen5Temperature controlling(high precision K-sensor)(Closed Loop),independent temp.controller,the precision can reach ±16Locating wayV shape slot,PCB support jigs can adjust,laser light do fast centering and position7PCB sizeMax 400×390mm Min 10×10 mm8Applicable chipsMax 80×80mm Min 1×1 mm9Overall dimensionL650×W630×H850mm10Temperature Interface1 pcs11Weight of machine60KG12ColorGolden Semi automatic bga rework station

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